privacy policy


Thanks for taking the time to read the Style Team Store Privacy Policy. This page describes the types of information we may need from you in order to provide the appropriate service to you, how the information is used, and how you can contact us about anything. We fully respect your privacy and work hard to keep your data safe and confidential at all times.

Please note that when referring to “you” or “user” or using the pronoun you are speaking. When referring to “we”, “the company”, “the site” or “the store”, it means the Style Team.

After reading this page if you have any questions feel free to contact us about anything, you can raise your concerns at any time.

Information we collect from you

Information is collected from you while you log on to the site or by contacting us directly. Among the information we collect from you: your name and e-mail address, by registering directly in the registration form on the site. Or by obtaining your data when logging in through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and other channels that we use to help you log in to our site. You may also be asked for information about your credit card in order to pay directly to the store.

Style Team will not publish, sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes. The Store will use the information collected primarily for the purpose of providing the Service only. You must also keep your password secure and confidential and not disclose it to anyone in any way. Also, be careful when using any external device to log into our site.

Data processing

We process your data for the following purposes:
Guarantee of high quality service
Ensure the provision of safe services
Processing requests made through you
Understand how visitors interact with our site, how to promote them and what products they like the most.

data retention

Your personal data will only be retained for the purposes for which we collected it to provide you with a unique and secure service, including the purposes of meeting any legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or reporting requirements.

Cookies and technical data

The Style Team collects information as visitors and customers browse and interact with the site.

Site visitors

When you visit our site, we may place a cookie on your browser so that our system can recognize you when you visit again. At Style Team we do not collect or process data when you are a visitor.

Registered users

To help analyze how you and other visitors navigate the Style Team site, and to compile statistics about site usage and response rates, we rely on third-party analytics service providers to collect specific information when you visit our site.

This information includes the IP address, geographical location of the device, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request, the time of your visit, page views and page elements (for example, links) you click, and other similar data.

We may use cookies, pixel tags, and tracking scripts on our landing page or in our emails to help us collect and analyze this information. We use this information to provide better and more relevant content, to identify and solve problems, and to improve your overall experience on the Style Team website.


We seek to provide you with appropriate choices by using your data that helps us target you through various means of marketing and advertising.

Receipt of personal data

We do not sell user data to anyone whatsoever, and we have no intention of doing so either now or in the future. We share data only for the purposes for which we request it; To enforce or apply our Terms of Service. We do not disclose or transfer personal information we collect or provide except within the framework of the Style Team Privacy Policy.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy at any time by providing a notice on this page or by sending you a notice via any contact information available to us. We highly recommend checking this page from time to time.

Your continued use of the Site following the posting of the revised Privacy Policy means that you accept and agree to the changes. You are expected to browse this page from time to time to be aware of any changes we have made, and to comply with them immediately.

currency selection

We do not accept orders during the holiday period

Season's greetings

Work resumption date 04/20/2024

We do not accept orders during the holiday period

Work assumption date 04/20/2024

Products filter

the color